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Ontario Helping Hamilton-Area Non-Profits Deliver Vital Services

Written by Neil Lumsden Constituency Office | Jun 12, 2023 2:00:00 PM

HAMILTON ― Today, Neil Lumsden, MPP for Hamilton East-Stoney Creek and Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, and Donna Skelly, MPP for Flamborough-Glanbrook, announced that 11 Hamilton-area non-profit organizations will receive over $1.1 million in grant funding through the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Resilient Communities Fund.

Included among the named recipients was Food4Kids Hamilton, an organization that partners with 75 Hamilton elementary and secondary schools to provide nutritious meals to more than 1,400 students that are at-risk of going hungry.

“We are very grateful to be the recipient of a $10,000 Resilient Communities Fund grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation,” said Cathy Haan, Executive Director of Food4Kids Hamilton. “With the funding from this grant, we will continue to build our sustainability by creating meaningful and engaging video content designed to raise awareness of student food insecurity in Hamilton.”

The Ontario government is providing $31.1 million this year through the Resilient Communities Fund to 295 non-profit organizations across the province. The fund provides grants of up to $200,000 over two years to eligible non-profit organizations to build capacity, resilience and sustainability.

“Non-profit organizations like Food4Kids Hamilton are vital to the success of communities across the province,” said Lumsden. “They deliver programming that enables children and youth at risk of going hungry to have consistent access to healthy food, ensuring that our next generation has the supports that they require for good physical health and academic success. That’s why successful programs like the Resilient Communities Fund are a priority.”


Congratulations to all recipients of this round of OTF grants,” said Skelly. “I greatly appreciate the hard work of all the worthy organizations across Hamilton who will use these funds to support the most vulnerable in our community.”


The Ontario Trillium Foundation is proud to have supported thousands of community organizations over four decades to strengthen the social and economic fabric of Ontario. Please visit the OTF website for a full list of grant recipients and details on how the OTF might be able to help your non-profit organization.



  • Local recipients of Resilient Communities Fund grants include:
    • Cancer Assistance Program: $198,600
    • Communaute Congolaise de Hamilton: $66,500
    • Food4Kids Hamilton: $10,000
    • Hamilton Music Collective: $199,900
    • L’Arche Hamilton: $120,200
    • Portuguese Support Services for Quality Living: $47,300
    • Stewart Memorial Church: $99,900
    • E.A.D. Equestrian Association for the Disabled: $23,000
    • The Baby Depot: $40,300
    • The Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton: $160,000
    • YMCA Hamilton/Burlington/Brantford: $141,600

  • The Resilient Communities Fund is administered by the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) – an agency of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.
  • This fund has supported 3,048 projects across Ontario since it was first announced in August 2020.