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National Volunteer Week

Written by Neil Lumsden Constituency Office | Apr 20, 2023 10:27:05 PM


This week is National Volunteer Week! I am proud to join with the residents of Hamilton East-
Stoney Creek to recognize the many volunteers and organizations within our community that
selflessly serve others.
You make Hamilton East-Stoney Creek a better place to live, work, visit and play, and we all
benefit from your efforts.
Thank you to the following organizations for your impact:
 Food4Kids Hamilton
 Habitat for Humanity Re-Store
 Hamilton Food Share
 Royal Canadian Legion, Battlefield Branch 622
 Stoney Creek Community Homes
 Stoney Creek Food Bank
 Stoney Creek Historical Society
 Stoney Creek Lions Club

I look forward to continuing to work with you to accomplish our common goal of serving the
needs of the residents of Hamilton East-Stoney Creek.

Please visit to nominate deserving local volunteers for the Ontario
Volunteer Service Award